September 18, 2012

The Deliverer-Review & Giveaway

As someone who is an avid reader of Kathi Macias' work, I've come to expect the unexpected from her books. That is one of the things that sets her apart as a Christian fiction writer. You can never be sure where her well weaved stories will take you. But you can be certain that before the tale is over, you will be challenged or changed in some way. And in no small measure.

This has been especially true of The Freedom Series which includes Deliver Me From Evil, Special Delivery, and The Deliverer.

The series exposes the atrocities of human trafficking which is a problem that has reached epidemic proportions in our own country as well as around the world. I'm embarrassed to admit that I prior to reading this series I thought of human slavery as more of a "third world" problem. How wrong I was. It is a growing problem America. (more information is available here)

Because this brave author tackled a subject, that many would not dare touch, I have a better understanding. And, I've become passionate about wanting to see it abolished. But that is something that will require more from all of us. Which is why I want others to become more aware of the issue, too. There is something that each one of us can do to make a difference. We can stop it before it starts and or reach out to those who have fallen prey to such crimes.

The message of this series, and The Deliverer in particular, is one of HOPE. There is hope for all who have been abused whatever the circumstance or situation. Not just hope of release, but real and lasting freedom.

Perhaps God will use you to identify or help expose a trafficking ring. Maybe He'll give you words of healing and hope for someone who carries inward scars that you know nothing about. It could be that He'll lay it on your heart to adopt a child whose only crime was where they were born or who they were related to. It is possible, maybe even probable, that you could be one of the vehicles that He uses to deliver His message of hope to battered broken people.

Because there is healing. And there is forgiveness. There is freedom through Jesus Christ.

I love that this series ended with such hope. It rings with the message that "all things are possible with God." Something those words can become muffled when dealing with such a dark issue but nevertheless they remain true. God is always reaching out, speaking to those who will listen, leading and guiding, loving and restoring.

He is the Deliverer.

I can't recommend this series strongly enough. In some ways I hate to see it end. It has been so stirring for me, personally. Yet I know that this author continually is advocating for others and educating her readers. So, I'm anxious to see what is coming next. If you are interested in learning more about Kathi Macias please visit her website or Facebook page. She's a delightful person who has quickly become one of my favorite writers.

If you would like to read The Deliverer, please leave a comment on this post. I'll randomly choose a winner on Monday, October 1rst. Perhaps you'll be the one! And if you can't wait it's currently being offered for the Kindle for just $2.99. 

Christian Speakers Services is also giving away the complete 3-book set of The Freedom Series which includes book 1- Deliver Me From Evil, book 2 - Special Delivery, and book 3 - The Deliverer. You must leave a comment on their blog to enter. You can find it here.

Read this series and be changed forever!


Kathi Macias said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful review of The Deliverer and the entire Freedom Series. May God use you to call others to this fight to "set the captives free." Blessings!

melindalancaster said...

Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with us, Kathi. 

Maxie Anderson said...

I would like to win this book so I can let others pass it around that can't buy the book.  Please enter me in the drawing.  Maxie  ( )

melindalancaster said...

Hi Maxie! I'll let you know if you win. Thanks for stopping by. 

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